Monday, December 8, 2008

Australia, the movie, mate - go see it!

For Mum's birthday yesterday, she requested that we go see Australia, the movie. Initially, she had said she wouldn't see it. She is not a fan of "Our Nic," as Australians like to refer to Nicole Kidman. But after hearing from several of her friends that they had taken the plunge and emerged refreshed, off we went.

And what a ride! Academy award winning performances, life changing - maybe not. But it should get an award for cinematography and costumes - beautiful visually. It was all shot on location in Australia. The movie is a sweeping fun epic that depicts parts of Australian culture - humor, adventure and the story of the Aborigine - incredibly well.

The humor and camp is kind of like Australian humor - it kind of pokes fun of itself or "takes the piss" out of itself. And doesn't take itself too seriously. Adventure - Australians of all backgrounds love to travel and take on a challenge. And do so with a grin.

The story of the Aborigine and the Stolen Generation is one worth learning about, for all. Another good movie about this same topic is Rabbit Proof Fence. It is about belonging and not belonging, about acceptance and the importance of our individual story and home.

Also, it is a little known fact that Australia was bombed by the Japanese during World War II in Darwin, just after Pearl Harbor (same day as my mother's birthday).

There was so much hype that it would have been hard for the film to live up to it all. But is a fun cinema going experience and worth seeing on the big screen.

The Hynek girls enjoyed Australia.

1 comment:

OkieGirl64 said...

I wondered how y'all would like that movie. Speaking of Aussie's, I just watched the Dark Night. wow is all I have to say to Heath Ledgers performance.