Tuesday, June 30, 2009

are you canadian?

is it strange that within less than ten months i can't immediately distinguish an australian accent from an american accent? walking down the street, i hear an aussie yabbering away and think nothing of the lilt. it is only upon hearing a yank blabbing that it dawns on me that the accent is out of place.

and it is any more strange that i am picked for a canadian? not the polite, "are you a canadian?" posed to anyone with a north american accent for fear of offending the u.s.a.'s northern neighbour's citizens. but genuine confusion.

this is way different than living in spain, where suddenly i began overnight thinking and dreaming in a foreign language. that was substantial. distinguishable. contextual. everything took on a different color.

but this is twilight zone. it is almost as if i am time travelling back to the same place, but evolution is farther or not as far along.

1 comment:

theme said...

Nicely and substancial opinion about different countries holding the same language. Very nice blog.