Saturday, September 5, 2009

Interesting South

A few weeks ago, I attended the Interesting South event. And loved it.

Very amiable crowd and really interesting ideas. This is the kind of networking I can do without cringing. Friend who I just met and who does market research kindly tipped me off to the whole thing. And that is kind of what the whole thing was like. Non pushy people who are all interested in the same kind of stuff - new ideas - participating together. I met a few folks and yes, am now twittering with them.

My favorite acts were

Remo Giuffré speaking on the Anatomy of cool – What’s cool? What’s daggy? Who decides? Remo learned something about the anatomy (and alchemy) of cool by observing a kid named Bob D’Angelo in a school playground circa 1973.

Miles Merrill says Perform your own stories – Who sits behind the screen typing away the stories that the DeNiros of the world speak for them? Why don’t writers speak? Speakers write. Why aren’t we telling our own stories?

Tim Baynes talked about the The Permanence of Temporary Things (and Vice Versa) - Monuments crumble and empires may fall but some of the things we perceive as temporary are the most enduring. Interesting? Yes. Possibly also important for saving the world.

And for passion - Steve Maxwell,
Stand up! Be counted! - In these days of online media, political debates often take place behind the shelter of laptops. Some brave souls still have the courage to jump on a soapbox, look strangers in the eye and express their political ideas. Steve Maxwell, a Speakers’ Corner regular in The Domain, will share his passion from the stage.

Looking forward to TEDxNSW on September 15th. Also will be held at the Chauvel Theatre which is great because it is right around the corner from the "flat" of your truly.

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