Friday, September 19, 2008


the last few days i have slowed down a bit and jetlag/reality/thoughts have emerged.

i am in sydney, living at home with my mother and sister, who have lived in the same house together for 6 years. they have always lived in the same city, while i have not lived in the same country for 12 years. needless to say, they have a routine.

they created a lovely space for me in the room always dubbed "anna's room" but which also served as the guest room and computer room. a "built-in" closet was constructed in my return's honor in said room. careful selection of pieces of furniture for the little room resulted in a single bed, black leather reclining chair, nightstand with a beautiful white alabaster lamp, a table with a stereo.

space was made in the bathroom as well. i have my own portion of a shelf in the new cabinet, my own drawer and basket underneath the sink.

i have learned from my sister where the extra tissue boxes are kept so i can replace the empty box in the bathroom.

i am learning the system of communication that allows a natural order to flow. the first key to this system are the notes left for each other on the kitchen counter, morning and night. this way everyone knows what is happening for the day.

for a person who has lived in her own apartment, with no roommates for over two years and communicated with her family once a week via phone, this part of the system is emblematic and intriguing. it is a good communication device, direct, familiar and informative. and requires that you know what you are doing in advance.

1 comment:

Christina Marie said...

Love the blog.
Do you each have a different color of post-it? I am glad to hear your adventure has started early.

First time poster.